Welcome to Edge

I have been a proud member of the Edge team since 2006. Parents, you have entrusted your children to our care and I am honoured to have the opportunity to work with you, students and staff in helping your children maximize their potential in academics, athletics and character development. One of my key roles as Head of School is to work collaboratively with all stakeholders in the promotion of success for every student.

Our mission is all about the pursuit of personal excellence. In order to facilitate this, we will create a school culture where continuous improvement is the norm; a culture where students and staff are excited to come to school; a culture where parents feel welcome and understand that they are critical partners in their child’s success at school; a culture where we do the right thing, especially when nobody is watching. This will certainly not be easy work but it is well worth the effort. You have my commitment that I will relentlessly pursue the creation of this school culture.

I encourage you to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress.


Keith Taylor
CEO and Head of School