Skill Academy

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Our Hockey Skill Academy is an exciting skill development program open to both boys and girls. Our junior skill academy is open to Grades 4-7 and we also have it available for Grade 8 & 9 students. Students in Grades 4-7 are on the ice three times a week, while the Grade 8-9 students are on the ice twice a week. Under the guidance of full-time, certified, professional coaches, they work on skating techniques, puck control, shooting, offensive & defensive play, Hockey IQ and creativity. (Goaltender instruction is also provided).

Skill Academy Philosophy

Regardless of a player’s current skill level, our Hockey Skill Academy is committed to the development of each student-athlete’s confidence, individual playing skills, and overall athletic development. We have seen tremendous growth within our Skill Academy students as they work through our extensive Hockey Curriculum.

Our Hockey Skill Academy now includes the following format:

Day One On-Ice Power Skating & Puck Skills (Year Long Progression)
Day Two On-Ice Monthly Themes (including “Boot Camp”, Defensive Tactics, Offensive Skills, Transitions, etc.)
Day Three On-Ice Small Area Games (tied to both year-long and monthly themes)
Other Activities Throughout the year a number of other, add-on activities will also be organized, which may include:

- On & Off-Ice Testing
- Special Guest Instructors
- Guest Speakers
- Off-Ice Skill Work
- Multi-Sport Opportunities
- Video Review
- Assignments

Edge is committed to the purposeful integration of excellence in academics, athletics and character-building. At the end of each term, students are evaluated for their on-ice skills, effort and practice habits. They are assessed using appropriate skills standard and testing programs and scouted for participation in Edges' hockey team program.